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Monday, June 30, 2008

24 Weeks!

Okay. So forget about the countertops for a bit.

Today I am 24 weeks. I went to the doctor today and ran into a friend from church who is apparently also expecting a baby. :) Her youngest is about 9 or 10 like mine. She has two kids. She's now 12 weeks pregnant. We're also about the same age. We talked about being older, "going back" to babies, and just lots of stuff. It will be fun to have someone who is exactly where I am to talk to.

For the stats: I've gained 9 lbs so far. The baby's heart rate was 158. She ran from the doppler again, but didn't have as far to go this time. :) I could feel her shifting, but she obviously doesn't have as much space as she did before.

And here's the 24 week picture. It's so funny to see this picture. I feel really big! But most people still don't notice that I'm pregnant unless they already know. I guess I'm comparing myself to the pregnancy with the boys and I'm pretty sure I'm bigger with this one. And I know I definitely weigh more. Ahhh.... to be 22 again. 5 more pounds and I will be at the weight I was when I delivered Reid. :)

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