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Sunday, June 29, 2008

More Countertops!

Yesterday Mike worked really hard on getting the countertops that will fit into the corner measured and "scribed" (the process of getting them to be flush to the wall). He got most of the measuring and cutting done, but left the big piece of countertop a little too long. He was lamenting this because it meant carrying the mammoth beast back out into the garage again for cutting and sanding. But, the scribing effort was fairly simple and straight forward and the countertops are pretty close to flush against the wall. We're not worrying too much about that since I'm going to be tiling the backsplash once the counters are in.

So. Here are a few pictures:

This shows the smaller corner piece waiting for it's "mate" in order to get installed.

Here's Mike working diligently on the big, big counter which will house the sink.

And if you didn't notice all the sawdust on the floor in the previous picture, this is what our entire garage looks like!

This is our new sink (the one facing up) and our old one (facing down). The new one is about two inches deeper, which should be nice. It also is free of all the rust that you can't really see on the old sink. And if you're wondering what the white gunk is on the bottom of the old sink, it's a sound reducing material. (NOW YOU KNOW! - Bill Nye's Narrator) The new sink also came with a fancy little cutting board that is custom fit to the smaller side of the sink. Very fancy!

And when we're all done with the countertops, they will look something like the one we got installed last week:

Looks pretty nice, I think. And look how Mormon we are. :) Grinding our own wheat flour and everything.

If all goes to plan, I will be posting the final pictures tonight. This project just can't go on until tomorrow. No way. After a week without the kitchen due to tiling, we're weary of having it out of commission. And there's no rest for the weary, right? So we'll be up til dawn finishing this if we have to tonight!

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