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Wednesday, June 11, 2008


The grout is in. Once again, I chose a grout that looks really good while it's wet. We'll see how it looks when it dries too many shades lighter than I had in mind. Maybe if I tiled a lot more I would understand the ludicrous color charts, but since I don't plan on making tiling my profession, I'll just deal with grout that's too light for now. I'm sure it will look fine.

We are trying to de-haze the tiles right now. A process that takes way too long. Mike is working on wiping down part of the kitchen now. But, the tile looks really great. I'm excited to put pictures up here soon. I'm thinking of waiting until the very end when we get the baseboards and everything back up. We should be completely done Saturday evening.

In kid news: Yesterday was the last day of school. The kids are very excited to be out for the summer. They're already tan from spending time at the pool (which has been open for a couple of weeks). Next week when the kitchen is done, we'll start our summer ritual of spending our mornings at the pool.

And today Reid asked me what we were doing this month. "Are we going anywhere?" I asked him what he meant and he said, "Like King's Dominion." I explained that we were using our summer funds to do the week at the beach. I said, "I know it's kind of hard not to do much else, but it's a week with the whole family." And he responded, "Yeah. I'd rather do that."

He's a good kid.

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