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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mush for Brains and Dry Hair... Bad Combination

Earlier in this pregnancy, I was having some real problems with keeping my head together. At one point, I couldn't figure out why we seemed to be over budget on every single budget category. Then I realized that I had completely forgotten to enter one of Mike's paychecks. And even Mike was worried when we got a "Final Notice" bill from the gas company and the electric company. Okay... and the water company. But the past few weeks, I've felt like I was doing better... until today.

So, about the dry hair. One of the things that made me think that maybe I was having a girl is the fact that instead of getting thick and not falling out, my hair has been falling out in droves since I got pregnant. And it's really, really dry. I have to put a ton of conditioner on it just for it to feel normal.

So, today when I got up and saw that my hair looked really good, I thought, "I must have showered yesterday." See. I'm an every other day kind of shower person. And my hair usually looks much better on the second day and horrid on the third (thus the every other day shower pattern). So, I get dressed and head out to the van to pick Mike up so we can go buy kitchen tile. On the way there, I start thinking, "Wait... I didn't take a shower yesterday..." (This is the part where the mush for brains comes into play.) So when did I take a shower last? Wait... really? Ack! SUNDAY! Yikes! But my hair looks great! :) I guess I need to go out and buy a shower cap.

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