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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm not tiling again for a LONG time!

Good grief! Did I happen to mention that our kitchen is huge?

We started yesterday around 6pm. I had things laid out in the basic lines that I wanted to follow. Mike had the wet saw set up in the garage and the tile splitter ready. We got the first bag of mortar mixed up and started. 11 hours later, at 5am, we finished. Wow. That was rough. The room is just so big. I have a nice blister on my hand from the trowel.

Of course, after you're done and you're wondering why on earth you decided to take on a project like this, you look out across the kitchen floor and your little heart starts melting at the beauty of the tile. So, I guess it's like one of your children.

So then I showered and got in bed. And then my little cutie started kicking up a storm. She was probably wondering what the heck was going on. I was glad to have the reassurance that she was fine even though her mother wasn't. But. I got about 5 hours of sleep and aside from a pretty bad headache, am doing well. It will take me a couple of days to recover, but we can't put the grout down until tomorrow morning, so I'm going to sit on my bum all day and recover. :) (And the floor really does look awesome.)

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