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Monday, May 26, 2008

Toad Suicide

When I got back from Texas, I noticed that a toad seemed to be missing. They can hide in small spots, so I didn't think too much about it then. The next day I looked for him again, but didn't see him. I called Mike in (I don't really want to discover a yucky, dead toad) and he searched, but couldn't find him. That night Mike found him in some packing paper that I keep under their tank stand (for the worm composting). He was all dried out and dead. In the past few months we've lost our kitty (most importantly, and the only sad loss), Kane, the three millipedes, and now a toad. I guess the animals are making room for the baby. I hope to find a new home for the rest of the toads before long... 3 years is long enough to have them around. Kory can be our sole pet for a while. He likes the attention. :)

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