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Monday, May 5, 2008


So, after a long day on Saturday of back breaking tile measuring and cutting, Mike decided that trying to lay the mortar and tile that night would not be a good idea. So we waited until Sunday night to do it. We started around 9 or 9:30pm after getting the kids to bed. Mike was the "helper" and I was the "tiler". He mixed up the mortar, re-cut the door jams a tad bit higher, helped me with wetting each tile before laying it (Dennis says to do this) and did the clean up. I pulled up one section of tile at a time, spread the mortar, laid the tile, prayed for level tiles around the toilet, and hoped for decent tile placement.

We were done by 12:30am. Not bad. And this morning, the tile looks really great. I think a couple of tiles around the toilet may have settled a little bit, so we may have a little bit of a leveling issue with the toilet. No matter... we'll get it worked out. And it's our fancy Toto toilet, too. We've had it in it's box since January, patiently waiting to be installed after we put in the new tile. So now Mike and I will have the fancy toilet, too. We're looking forward to that! :)

The nice thing about doing a project like this is that Mike and I really enjoy working together. We talk, spend lots of time together, tease each other, and just have a good time. I appreciate having the muscle around to help with things that I might be able to do, but would take me lots longer and wear me out. He likes having a wife who will take on a project like this. I think the kids are going to be glad when this is over so they get dinners again and have parents who pay attention to them.

So... as far as our schedule goes, we're a day behind. I will grout tonight and Mike will put the baseboards back on sometime after that. He has scouts on Tuesday nights, so he may do it late Tuesday. I used an expensive grout in the kid's bathroom that doesn't need to be sealed... our bathroom is way to big, so I've got to use plain grout. You're supposed to wait a while before sealing it, so I've got to figure out if I need to wait to put down the toilet until I've sealed it, or if the grout under the toilet doesn't need to be sealed... And you were all dying to know that detail, weren't you?

Oh... and we can't find the camera cord! We'll have to find that before we can download our pictures. So you'll have to wait a little bit longer to see the "finale".

And Happy Birthday, Ann!

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