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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Breaking Through

So, yesterday was a super productive day. We finally finished up our bathroom. We got all the baseboards attached and painted and we got the toilet installed. We got the counters all cleaned up and it just looks so beautiful now. I'll send pictures soon. We still have to re-install the doors. The kid's bathroom door didn't have to be trimmed, but ours are going to need about a 1/4 inch taken off the bottom. Good thing our neighbor Derrick has a bunch of woodworking tools. :) (We're bums and we're proud of it!)

Mike cleaned out the garage and fixed two bicycles. That was no small feat. Our garage can get really, really bad, so I'm all impressed with him on that.

I went to Shareware and got a few baby things. They didn't have a whole lot that wasn't stained pretty badly, not my style, or just enough of what I was looking for. Still... I came home with a small bag of clothes and that will help.

And I ordered a onesie that I had seen before. I think Kristin sent me the link to this site called They have some really funny "snapsuits" (as they call them). Here's the one I bought (they're having a sale through 6/1).

It's probably designed more for people who have daughters with no hair and people keep asking them if she's a he... however... I like the fact that my girl is "not a boy", so I'll share that with the world when she wears this shirt. Oh... and if she's like her brothers, she'll be bald for a long time, so it will work that way, too. :)

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