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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bathroom Progress

Okay... we're a little behind schedule. I had a really bad day on Thursday. I think my allergies attacked really hard because my eyes were watering, my nose was congested and I had a major headache. So... we didn't get the backerboard down as planned. We did most of it last night, but ran out of nails late and Lowe's was already closed. I have laid out the tile in the area where we have the backerboard down and Mike just got back from Lowe's with nails, so we are ready to finish putting the backerboard down. There's only three smaller pieces, so it will go quickly. Then we can start making our marks for cutting and the see if Dennis is out and ready for us to start cutting our pieces.

Dennis is the neighbor with all the fancy tools. He's tiling another neighbor's bathroom this weekend, so he's going to have his saw set up outside their house, and we'll go over there to make our cuts. He's a really nice guy. I gave him a gift card to Lowe's after we borrowed his tools last time and he fussed at me about it. (Of course, as he was fussing, he said, "Well, I've already spent it.") :) Nice guy.

So... we have some pictures, but no time to put them up right now. We may just have a big finale picture show at the end. Let me tell you, though, the tile I have laid out looks really good! I'm sooooo excited to have this project being completed!

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