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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stumbling Block

So. I'm having a girl! That is about the most exciting thing that I can think of. I truly am on cloud nine. I had so much fun calling family to tell them. Everyone's responses were great. If you ever watch the sonogram DVD, you'll see where after we saw the "money shot" as you might call it, my tummy was shaking because the sonogram tech asked me if my tears were happy tears. Uh...yeah! :)

So what's the stumbling block? Girl stuff! :) I have always only bought a girl outfit here or there out of hopefulness or dreaming. I've always thought, "I'll just give it to someone else if it doesn't work out." And now I'm having to think realistically about dressing this baby girl and my mind doesn't quite know how to go about it.

It's possible that it's just been 14 years since I really had to buy baby clothes, so that could be the problem. Or maybe it's because I'm still so early in the pregnancy, so buying clothes doesn't make sense now. But I look at all the clothes online and guess I go into sensory overload and just shut down.

We are having a Shareware this weekend at church, so there will be clothes there that are free for the taking. I think that might help me get through this block if I can go pick up some free things. Then maybe I'll start to be able to sink my teeth into the reality of dressing a baby girl.

And again, I'm just so thrilled. I've always told the Lord that I would be willing to take a daughter any time he wanted to send her to me. When I heard the whispering of The Spirit to try again to get pregnant, I listened and feel completely rewarded.

Luke 8:48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good acomfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

I feel whole. Completely and utterly whole.

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