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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Football Tryouts

Today is the first round cuts. Reid will either show up at 2:40 from the bus having been cut, or he will not show up which means he's made the first cut. Final cuts will be next week sometime.

On Tuesday I went to pick Reid up and I saw him walking over to some other kids who were giving him the old high five handshake. (Don't really know how to describe it other than that.) He looked pretty proud of himself and when he got in the car, he told me he caught a football one handed. :) He said he tried for two hands because it's always better to catch it two handed, but he couldn't reach it, so he ended up catching it one handed. Pretty fancy. Then at the end, the coach said they couldn't go home until both receivers (they had two players running down each sideline) caught the ball. And Reid was on the duo that stopped practice. Apparently several pairs missed one or both before Reid's pair. So he was really proud.

Then yesterday he said that he was making really good tackles when the coach put him in at tight end. I think he liked the position.

So, so far, things seem to be going well. I sure hope he makes the team. I think tomorrow they will get their hitting rules and mouth guards and will begin practicing with pads next week.

And I was shocked to find out that Reid weighs 122 lbs. They did weigh-ins last week. He is solid muscle. He's about 5'7" right now. Crazy!

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