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Monday, September 8, 2008

34 Weeks

Well. Today is 34 weeks. Only 6 more weeks to go.

I'll put the belly shot up later. I haven't gotten around to taking it yet, but wanted to put in the statistics before I forgot.

Weight Gain: 17 lbs
Belly Measurement: 37.25" (It grew a whole 1/4 of an inch!)
Baby's Heartrate: Around 155... I say that because she wouldn't stay still long enough for the doppler machine to get an accurate reading.

So, I saw Dr. Seidel today. He is one of the two doctor's in the practice. It's only the third time this pregnancy that I've seen him. That hasn't bothered me primarily because I knew he was well liked and he was the one that Dr. Sheshadri (the one I see the most) went to to get me a prescription last year during my miscarriage time that Sheshadri wasn't familiar or very comfortable with. Seidel had no problem with it and so I knew he was probably more relaxed about things in general.

Anyway. I wanted to talk about the possibility of breech presentation today because I'd been wondering if this little wee one was head up. Turns out she's not (whew), but we talked a good bit about breech deliveries and how he's totally comfortable with them when they're not the first babies. But he said that her head was actually quite low and that he would be shocked if she could manage to pull herself out of my pelvis and turn around. So that's really good news.

He also complimented me on my weight gain and blood pressure (always low... today 98/56) and asked me if I was Super Woman. Now... I know that he was being overly complimentary, but it felt good nonetheless. A woman who is 34 weeks pregnant, packing up her house, finding temporary housing, dealing with the emotions of leaving long time friends, and trying to keep up with daily housework can really use blatant flattery from time to time. :)

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