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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Busy Saturday

Today I had the shower from the ladies at church. It was really wonderful. It made me realize just what we'll be leaving when we move. The people from church truly care about us and it's hard to leave that. I guess, though, that when you know that something is right, you just do it and figure the people from church understand that more than anyone else.

And I got really, really sweet little outfits today. My goodness. People know where the good stuff is. :) I also got a couple of big items on my list. A portable crib, which will be priceless during the apartment time and moving out to Texas. And a little bouncy seat that hopefully will help a fussy baby when needed. I will post some pictures soon of some of the beautiful outfits. I can't find the camera cord (again!), so it may take me a little while.

On my way home from the shower, I picked Reid up from a sleepover so that he could get home to help Mike load the rented U-Haul truck with the things we're taking to the storage unit. He got home and helped Mike for a while and then fell asleep on the floor (I don't think he got much sleep last night). Our neighbor, Derrick, helped with the couch and then a guy from church, Brandon, came over and helped with the last little bit of loading the first U-Haul load and we headed over to the storage unit to unload. We came back, talked for a bit, then loaded up most of the second load. We sent Brandon home and around 8:30pm, headed over to the storage unit with the second load. We brought all of the kids plus a neighborhood friend. :) We did a bit of a box brigade for the food storage boxes and Mike and Reid got all of the big stuff off. We were done and driving home by 9:15. Mike dropped off the U-Haul and when he got home, was very thankful that our church time will, for the first time this year, be at 2pm instead of 9am. I feel the same way. We'll be happy to sleep as long as possible tomorrow.

So... busy day, but very productive. We have little piles of junk everywhere, but it sort of lets you see what you have left to pack, so that's a good thing. At this point, we're going to take a few boxes a day over to the storage unit and that should be enough to get us ready by the time we need to move into the apartment. There's still a good bit of junk to deal with, but we'll do it in 5 box increments or something. :)

So... when we move into the apartment, we're only taking: the futon, the TV + stand, the recliner, the computer table + kid computer, the kid mattresses, the king mattress (big item!, but Mike decided we shouldn't mess with my sleep at such a crucial time...I decided not to argue since I'm not going to be carrying the mattress up two flights of stairs), and the kitchen table. Not too bad. And we'll get a couple of people to come help us with that. But we're trying to reserve all of the serious loading help for when we load up the apartment and big U-Haul to go out to Texas. That will be when we will need the most help.

Okay. I think I've rambled on enough about the move. I hope you all had a good Saturday.

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