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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Changes Changes

We had the official closing on the house yesterday. It went well. I cried a lot during the final cleaning out of the house. I got lots of pictures of the measurement wall (we also transfered the measurements over to a nice piece of wood). I think I decided that some of my tears were from missing the four little boys who once occupied our home. Such sweetness (and chaos, I know). Looking at Cole's first measurement on that door jam and thinking of him at that age was just overwhelming.

Then I went to the house at 4pm to pick up Jacob and Cole off the bus (I warned the new owners that I wasn't going to be stalking them, but that I'd be there every school day) and while I was waiting, Dennis, our tile facilitating neighbor, came over to talk to me. I started crying right when I saw him (hormonal?). He hugged me and had lots of nice and wise things to say. Still, it's hard to leave a good neighborhood and such wonderful neighbors.

But I will honestly chalk up a lot of the emotion to hormones. When I think about getting out to Texas, I get excited about being in Austin, being near my dad, and starting a new adventure.

You also probably know that Mike got a new job. He starts on October 13th. One week before the baby is due. They want him up in Boston (the headquarters, but it's a telecommuting position) during that week. So he'll be gone from the 13th to the 17th. A little unnerving for me. I don't want him to miss the birth of his little one. But I've never had labor that lasted less than 7 hours, so hopefully he could make it back in time. But I've still got some arrangements to get together for that time so that the kids and I are taken care of while Mike is gone (in case I do go into labor during that time).

But the really good news is that we'll be double covered with insurance, so I should get all of my $600 back that I've paid to the doctor and instead of owing around $1500 for the hospital portion, we'll only owe $250. That will help offset the moving costs, so that's a good thing.

And now I'll get back to my slow attempt at getting this apartment feeling like a home instead of a war zone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let me hear on the time schedule. At this time I plan on coming up on Saturday, 10/18. If we need to see different, let me know. Tell Mike to have "his" suit case packed and plane ticket in hand. Love you all VERY much!

Love, Mom