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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

36 weeks plus a few days

Well... I'm officially down to less than a month to go (hopefully, anyway). I had my doctor's appointment on Monday:

Weight gain: 19 lbs
Belly Measurement: 38.5"
Baby's Heartrate: 156

The baby almost jumped out of my stomach when the doctor put the gel on my stomach. She's getting smarter and knew that the doppler machine was coming and expressed her continued displeasure at that, I suppose. :)

And aside from swelling feet and a stinging pubic bone, I'm doing alright. Although, the pubic bone thing is keeping me from walking much today. I know it's been made much worse with all of this moving and cleaning and packing and lifting. I'm hoping a little rest today will help it calm down a bit.

Housing Update:

The closing is still on schedule for Friday. We have almost all of our stuff out of the house, so we're pretty much on track that way. Mike's been making evening runs over there to load up stuff and bring it either to the house or to the storage unit. But there's only one load plus the kid's bike left. Well... and a bedroom set that I'm going to be donating to the local thrift shop.

Several women from church came over yesterday and cleaned, so that was really nice. I don't have any more cleaning to do except to vacuum the living room once more after everything is out. One of the ladies from church even accepted the assignment of going around the house picking up trash that was around the sides of the house. Amazing how much junk ends up between the bushes and the foundation. Especially when your kids and the neighbor's kids all play around your house. So anyway. Things are moving along. The apartment is slowly coming together, but will have to wait until after the closing on Friday to get much more attention.

And Reid has his second game today. I'll post about that tonight (now that we have internet at the apartment!).

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