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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Monday

Mike left really early yesterday morning to catch a flight to Boston. He'll get home super late Wednesday night.

So my day went like this:

5:45 - up, kids up, make lunches
6:15 - Kira wakes up
6:50 - Load Kira up, drive Reid to seminary
7:05 - Home
7:50 - Load Kira up, pick up "Morning Brothers" from seminary
8:05 - Home
8:50 - Load Kira up, take "Morning Brothers" to school, stop by bank
9:20 - Home
10:00 - Put screaming baby down for a nap
12:00 - Feel grateful that Kira napped for two hours
3:00 - Load Kira up, take food to Zach (who has a football game I can't go to because it's windy and rainy and not good weather for Kira to be out in)
3:40 - Home
5:20 - Load Kira up, pick up Reid from football
5:40 - Home
6:40 - Load Kira up as well as Reid, Jacob and Cole, pick up Zach from football game... it takes me 30 minutes to get across town because of a broken down truck on the highway... still rainy and windy and now it's dark, too)
7:20 - Get Zach, drive to book store to get book that Reid has needed for English class for over a week
7:40 - Park a million miles away from bookstore because apparently everyone is at the mall where the bookstore is located... leave all kids in car because Kira is sleeping... threaten them with their lives if they wake her up
8:00 - Home, Kira wakes up, screams for half an hour before going back to sleep
9:30 - Bed, pray that Mike makes it home safely because this whole single parent thing is not for me!

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