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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kira's Blessing

Kira was blessed on Sunday. Our church doesn't do infant baptisms, but we do have a blessing. Basically, the dad and other elders of the church hold the baby and give her a blessing. Each blessing is unique and is given through inspiration. Kira was blessed, among other things, to have compassion on others and to be able to understand their needs. That she would recognize the sacredness of being a woman. And that she would be blessed to recognize the divine nature of families and be blessed by her own loving family.

It was really nice. She is a special person and we are grateful to have her in our home.

My mom made her a blessing dress. It isn't required, of course, to have special clothes to be blessed in, but it sure is a beautiful dress. She looked so cute. Here are a couple of pictures of her in her dress.

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