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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kira's Birth - Part 1

I went to my 40 week checkup at 9:30 on October 21st. I was still 2-3 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and the baby was still engaged. My cervix was tilted to the back, though. I didn't know that a forward facing cervix could turn back again... I was a bit on the fence about whether or not to ask the doctor to strip my membranes. But after the word "induction" came out of the doctor's mouth, I decided to go ahead and have him do it. Hindsight has me questioning this decision, but I think it wasn't a bad one, just not certain that it was the right thing.

So... I went home, took some castor oil that I had bought and figured we'd see what happened.

I'm not sure exactly what time contractions started. I know I was having them during our family home evening game of Cranium Family Fun, so that was around 8pm. Mike and I spent some time cleaning up and getting things ready in case we did end up going to the hospital. I tried laying down to get some sleep, but it didn't work. I got in the tub around 11pm and then in the shower. At some point during that time, my water broke. I wasn't completely sure at first, but it made itself pretty clear during the next hour or so.

(Kira's crying and needs a diaper change... more to follow.)

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