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Monday, November 3, 2008

Kira's Birth - Part 2

Over the next couple of hours, my contractions became a little stronger and little closer together. Mike and I timed them for a bit and they were 2 minutes apart, lasting 45 seconds. Normally, I would have stayed home since they weren't really strong, but by this point, I was gushing fluid during the contractions, so I decided we'd better go in.

Our friend, Anne, came over to the house, Mike and I got loaded up and headed to the hospital. We got checked in and set up in our room and I remember looking at the clock thinking that I should have a baby by around 7 or 8 am. (HA!)

I had some good, regular contractions for quite a while, but they slowed down at some point. Mike and I walked a lot, but it didn't seem to help. It seemed that I had the best contractions when I was sitting upright. I figure now that it had something to do with Kira's position, but who knows for sure.

Before the nurse shift change at 7am, my nurse, Cheryl, decided to check me. I was at 3 or 4. Boooo. I thought for sure that I was feeling a lot of progress. Oh well.

Around 8am, I got in the tub to see if it would help get the contractions going again. It just seemed to make them slow down, so after a bit, I got back out and when I got put back on the monitor, Kira's heart rate went up to around 190 and stayed there for several minutes. Concerned, our nurse Linda, wanted to talk to some of the other nurses and our doctor to make sure things were okay. This was a bit scary. But she came back and said it seemed to be a normal adjustment by the baby, and indeed, her heart rate went back down to normal a little while later. And Linda said that the tape from her high heart rate would probably be shown in a training type meeting as somewhat of an unusual normal event. Glad we could provide that service to the hospital!

(Fussy baby... more later)

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