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Friday, July 18, 2008

A Worthy Opponent

The kitchen was truly a worthy opponent. At times I thought maybe it had the best of us. However, we have come out victorious and I think the kitchen will be happier for it.

If you are following details quite closely, you'll know that I still need to paint, and if and when we put the house on the market, we'll replace the island coutertop at that point. For now it's nice to have a "junk" countertop that I don't have to worry about and my mixer stays intact. And painting will happen in August after the beach trip.

So. I was looking through old pictures the other day and came across a picture of the kitchen before we ever even replaced the appliances, so it's truly a "before" picture (January 2005):

And now for the final pictures of the kitchen. I'll only post new ones if I decide to change the color of the kitchen. I don't intend to do this, so don't look for more kitchen photos any time soon. :)

So the major projects are done. We'll put in new carpet at some point and I've got a little painting to do here and there outside the kitchen, but it can happen probably after the kids go back to school.

Now I'm going to sit back and enjoy my new kitchen and watch my tummy grow. :)

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