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Monday, July 21, 2008

Canning/Kitchen Goodies/Baby

My mom came to visit this weekend. She brought a bunch of green beans for us to can. I had bought the nice single burner unit, so the canning was very successful. We got 22 quarts of green beans. Pretty nice to have those put up.

We got the green beans all canned on Saturday. We finished up around midnight after starting around 2:30. It was nice to sit and just talk and work with my mom.

On Sunday, we lounged around and talked and got dinner ready for when John, Kristin, Libby, and Jaina came over. It was SO nice to see them again. Nice to have John in our house. It always feels normal and right to have him here. I guess we weren't quite ready for him to move out when he did. Although, it was for a good reason, so we'll forgive him. :)

So they came over and Mike and I each took turns holding Jaina. Trying to get in a little practice. It was so funny to hear a little baby crying in the house and thinking about how that was going to be a normal thing pretty soon.

Today, my mom and I went to Williams-Sonoma so that she could get a couple of the potato peelers that they sell there. I had given her one a while back and she really liked it, so she wanted to get a couple more. We had been talking about Le Creuset pots on Sunday while we were cooking the roast that we made for dinner and about how nice they are. So we were looking at them while we were there. She found one on the clearance section that she really liked and was just perfect for her. It was a little 2 3/4 quart oval dutch oven that was a gold yellow color. Really cute. And for my birthday, my Christmas, and Mike's Christmas, she got me a 6 3/4 oval dutch oven in the Dune color. It's so fancy and something I never thought I'd own. We felt all upscale walking out of that store today. :)

So now I'm going to look around for good recipes to use the pot with as well as look around in my recipe box for things I can make in it from my current recipes.

And also today I had my last ultrasound appointment. My mom was able to go with me, so that was really nice. Everything looks really normal and good. And it appears that our little girl is still a little girl, so that's really nice. She looked pretty smooshed in there. Her feet and hands were all up around her face. The doctor said that based on the measurements, she weighed around 2lbs 6oz. Pretty sweet.

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