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Monday, July 14, 2008

C is for Cookie!

That's good enough for me. :)

I sang this song over and over again this morning while baking the 1st batch of Peggy's Cookies. I guess baking 7 dozen cookies will do that to you. I wondered while baking and singing (in my head) if Judy used to have this song go through her head while she made batch after batch of these cookies. And it reminded me of the first time I saw her make this big batch of cookie dough. I had never seen such a large recipe. Little did I know what life had in store for me!

So... Reid had to be at the church at 5am to leave for Scout Camp this morning, so I was up bright and early and figured I should just get started baking the little beauties.

I made the dough yesterday and let it sit overnight in the fridge. Diana had sent me an article on how to make really good cookies and it says leaving the dough in the fridge for about 24-36 hours is one way to make them taste really good. Well... my dough was only in there for about 12 hours, but that's longer than I normally do, so hopefully they'll be tastier than normal.

And a couple of years ago, Sara recommended that I start using bittersweet chocolate chips instead of semi-sweet. I like the change there, too.

So. Peggy's cookies are now Peggy-Sara-Diana Cookies. You can all go update your recipe cards. :)

Sorry. No pictures. But there are 81 cookies in my freezer waiting for the beach trip. 81 more will get baked in a few days. Sara's bringing two more batches, so mountains of cookies are on the horizon.

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