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Saturday, August 15, 2009

The New Sink

In a post long ago in a land far, far away, I said something like, "Mike and I don't feel normal if we don't have a major project going on." Something like that, anyway... I think it was during the "tile every floor in the house time" or the "replace the freaking countertops" or "HEY, I KNOW, Let's tile the backsplash" days. Ahhhh, good times.

Anyway... so we've moved into a house that is basically perfect. Two years old, nice walls, nice countertops, nice tile, nice floors... there's not a whole lot to do in this house.

But one thing that stuck out to me was the kitchen sink... do you remember the kitchen sink we put in the house in Cary??? My beautiful.  My PRECIOUS?

Okay... not really my PRECIOUS, but still.  I really, really liked that sink.  So I bought it here and put it in.  Along with an upgraded garbage disposal.  The one here was a whopping 1/4 HP.  So I put in the nice sink rather than the very, very plain one they had here and put in a 3/4 HP disposal that is very very quiet.  So nice.

Here's a picture of the sink in use:

And now that the sink is in... there's no real need for home improvement projects, so I'm trying my hand at decorating.  I'm part way through the game room re-do.  I'll send an update on that room soon.  Hopefully it will be super awesome when I'm done!


Unknown said...

So glad you have 'your sink' in the new house. I bet the next project will be new commodes! You are quite the 'handy women'; move over pioneer women. Looks really good.

Love MOM

John said...

Like I always say, a 3/4 horse is better than a quarter horse. I'll just let that comment sink in, as it were...

Always Helpful,
