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Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Trampoline

We got the kids a trampoline a couple of weeks ago.  They have been enjoying it quite a bit.  Since there's not really any kids in the neighborhood, and we don't have a neighborhood pool, they were in desperate need of something to do.  We talked about an above ground pool, but opted for a trampoline instead.  I think it was a good choice.  If for no other reason than I don't have to go out there and clean it and keep it clorinated.  It can just sit there happily waiting for children to bounce on it.

Look at those big kids!  It scares me most days as I watch the boys get bigger and bigger and bigger!

I LOVE this picture!  I was a bit lucky on the timing.  It is perfect.  And I can't believe how easily he does these back layouts!

It's nice to see the boys interacting in a (mostly) positive way out there.

And here's a little video we got the night we were putting the trampoline together.  Mike put Kira on it before all the springs were in and the boys were all out helping to get the springs on, and this is what ended up happening.

I love that this video shows so clearly how rich Kira's life is.  I think of how wonderful it is to be able to provide a home for her that is filled with people who adore her.  What a special person she is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW. What else can I say.
Pure LOVE!!