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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

San Antonio, Cereal, and Mom

We went to San Antonio last Saturday. I am in love with the River Walk.

My goodness.

It was so nice.

We enjoyed walking through the Alamo, too, but the River Walk just stole my heart. I want to go back sometime sans kids and just spend the whole day walking on the river, enjoying good food, and pretending I'm all fancy and cultured.

And Kira has started having a little rice cereal. She had gotten to the point where several times during the day, she would nurse and then nurse again 45 minutes later. I decided that 5 months was good enough for exclusive nursing (and I weigh about 15 pounds less than I did when I got pregnant) and so we have started the cereal. She seems to enjoy it. She has been watching us eat for the past couple of weeks and has been very interested in the whole eating thing, so it seems like a good time for everyone involved.

My mom has been here for the past five days. We actually picked her up from the airport in San Antonio and went to the Alamo and Riverwalk with her. She just spent the week hanging out with our family. She and I went to IKEA, the Round Rock Outlets, Anthropologie, and we drove by the State Capitol building downtown. It was a good week. And she did my dishes all week and my laundry. Waking up each morning to a clean kitchen (that you didn't clean) is heaven.

And, like a good granddaughter, Kira started crawling while Mom was here. It's so fun to watch her in the beginning stages of crawling. And she'll also sit up unassisted for a good little while, too. Of course, now Mike and I are looking around the house thinking, "Great... we've got to baby proof things." I think we thought we'd get away without it in this house and just deal with it when we move in to the other place... ha! She's got too much to do to wait for us to move.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Kira's smile in that picture is just too stinking adorable! Glad you had a good time with your mom. Can she come stay with me for a while?