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Monday, March 30, 2009

Moody Monday

Moody isn't really the right word here, but the mood in the house changed a lot today from yesterday.

First off, Kira actually slept pretty well last night. That's a big change from the past few nights. And secondly, I didn't wake up with my head swimming all over the place. I just couldn't get my inner ear to balance out yesterday. The swirlies lasted for a few hours. It was weird and concerning.

But today was better.

I got the kids off to school with no trouble. Kira took a two hour nap mid morning and I got a lot accomplished.

Of course, now that the kids are home, the baby is down for her afternoon nap, and I've got dinner cooking, I'm ready to crash.

I probably did too much today, but while Kira was down for her long two hour nap, it just felt so good to clean the kitchen, do laundry, sweep, and just get things orderly.

Our FHE tonight will have to be a movie that hopefully I can veg through. Maybe Kira will be happy after her nap and comply with my needs. :)

And I had a mini photo shoot with her today that yielded a couple of really nice pictures, so I'll put those up later.

She just fussed... she's only been down for thirty minutes. Ahhhh... my evening isn't looking good!

Get home fast, Mike!

1 comment:

Diana said...

I had a inner ear problem that persisted over a number of years. Never extreme, but the swirlies would come periodically, especially if my head was in a certain position. I finally went to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. I was retaining fluid in my inner ear. I was on a course of medication for about 4 months that eliminated the problem.