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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Did I say a LITTLE Sick?

That's just not true anymore.  Shortly after that post, I started having fairly severe body aches.  Mostly in my joints, but also just all over.  I was able to rest a little while Kira napped, but my aching body kept me from getting too much rest.  It's the kind of thing where it hurts to move and it hurts to stay still... so you just don't know what to do.

So I'm upstairs hoping that none of my family gets this horrid illness and Mike is out getting me some Motrin and some Gatorade.  Hopefully it will pass quickly.  Mike brought me his computer and I was laying here looking at some things when I realized that I must look awful.  So I used his built in web cam to take my picture.  I guess it can't be *too* serious if I can still laugh at myself.

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