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Monday, October 6, 2008

38 Weeks

Today is 38 weeks. I took pictures and downloaded them to my computer, but then my computer decided it didn't want to accept my power source anymore, so I'm writing this on Mike's fancy new work laptop and am in the process of taking my computer apart to see if I can get it to work properly again.

So the pictures will have to wait a bit. Here are the stats:

Weight Gain: 21 lbs
Belly Measurement: 38" - it shrank an inch
Baby's Heart rate: 152

I've been having lots of sporadic contractions. Nothing regular, but enough to make you realize that it could be any time now. I picked up the last item on my list today: nursing bras. So I suppose I'm pretty ready for this baby. Except that I'm not. I'm glad for the two weeks remaining and hope that she'll stay put til then. :)

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