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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


We've been lucky with Kira. Other than the tummy issues she had during her first six months of life, she's been very healthy.

She had a cold a few weeks back and has had lingering congestion since then.

But last night, she started throwing up. Her first time to have a stomach bug.

It's hard to watch her feel so bad. And throwing up really takes the energy right out of you, so she's just laying around being pitiful.

Hopefully it will end soon and we can get back to enjoying the lively little girl that she typically is.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

If you check the comments, then you'll be happy to know that Kira is starting to feel better. She's kept a little bit of fluid down, hasn't thrown up in about three hours, and had a little bit of dry Kix cereal.