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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Two weeks

We've been officially in the house now for two weeks. Progress has been made, but it's slow going. There just seems to be very little time for unpacking and setting up the house.

And I'm tired.

We've had Mike's sister, Sara, and her family here for a week. That has been really, really nice. They've visited us each year for three years. We adore them and hope that visits continue to happen.

And my dad and I have started walking around Towne Lake several mornings a week. That's been really great. I think our 3.6 mile walk yesterday kind of did me in. :) I'm a bit sore this morning. But it's great to get out and get some exercise and be able to talk and hang out with my dad at the same time. Very nice.

Also, he, Darlene, and my sister, Kim, stopped in for dinner on Friday night. It was nice to be able to have them just come over quickly and not have to feel like we all had to interrupt our schedules to make it happen. Because we just live here now. Pretty cool.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to see you getting truly settled in. I know you are tired. I also know you are content. It sure feel good to be in your home and settleing in. Tell the boys I send my love. Keep some for Kira and you & Mike!!

Love MOM