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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Moving Thoughts

You probably already know that we sold our house. Craziness. The only people who came to look at it bought it. Our closing date is set for September 26th.

I am happy with our decision to stay in NC until Thanksgiving weekend. It will be a bit of a hassle to find a 2 month lease, but I think the kids will appreciate the additional time here and I'm glad to be able to continue on with the doctors here and have the baby here. Moving at 37 weeks pregnant just doesn't seem like a great idea, I guess.

So... We have 13 boxes packed so far. :) I'm going to try to pack about three or four boxes a day during the week and Mike and I will work on projects during the evenings. This week our project is the garage. We've been in this house for 8 1/2 years. That's a long time to accumulate junk. I'm actually pretty good about keeping junk to a minimum, but there's always lots of stuff in our garage. So we started on that today. We chipped away at things here and there, but we'll see how it turns out. Mostly we'll be keeping tools and toys that are out there. Not a whole lot else. I'll be selling the shelves if I can and we'll give away a bunch of stuff.

So once that project is done (hopefully by next weekend), we'll start on the attic. Lots of things up there that need to be sold/donated as well. But aside from those two storage areas, we really don't have that much stuff in our house. (Okay... I'll eat those words when I have to pack it all up.) But really, the kids rooms are fairly bare. Our closet is filled with mostly junk... another project. And we have the food storage... but we don't have a lot of stuff in the house, so that's a good thing.

So we're hoping a 24' or 26' truck will cover us. We may have to get rid of some stuff to make it work, but I'm okay with that. :)

And the kids start school on Monday. That should help me in my efforts to get some packing done each day.

Now what I need is for someone to come and cook and do laundry... I haven't been keeping up with those things the past several days. Maybe the kids being in school will help with that a bit, too.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Maybe the buyers would like to buy the garage shelves from you. One less thing to have to get out, you know? Wish I could be there to do your laundry and cook for you!