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Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

It starts... 5:30 wake up times, packing lunches, soon... homework, and did I mention early wake up times? The first day is the easiest. Everyone is excited a little bit about the change. The next few days aren't too bad, but then the drudgery sets in and it gets really hard to drag yourself out of bed in the morning.

I made the lunches last night... a pattern I hope to continue since it will make the mornings a little easier when there's a baby in tow. I also had lots of other cleaning to catch up on yesterday... I think I did 5 loads of laundry. I wanted to make sure the kids had their choice of clothes to wear today. And I did 2 loads of dishes. I've just been slacking off on the day to day stuff since we've started thinking about packing up the house. I guess I'm going to have to find the balance over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully it will be easier, though, now that the kids will be in school. But I'll have to have everything packing wise done by 2:30pm so that I can help with homework and make dinner and clean up from dinner and all that good stuff each evening.

Makes me ready to go back to bed and it's not even 6am yet. :)

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