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Wednesday, January 28, 2009


As a parent, I was told not to give my kids toy guns to play with. I obeyed the "powers that be" and sat back and watched while my kids made guns from straws and paper. And I watched while they scoured the woods for the perfect stick that looked just like a gun. :) So when those people say that my kids shouldn't play with "violent" toys, I laugh because I know that if a straw can be a gun, then anything can be violent.

For example, a week or two ago, all of the stuffed animals in Jacob and Cole's room apparently decided that they were going to commit suicide. The only way to save them was if Reid could catch them as they flung themselves to their doom. Reid was a valiant hero and saved many a stuffed animal.

So when I downloaded the pictures off my camera to bless the world with cute Kira pictures, I wasn't terribly surprised to see the following images come up on the screen. I suppose you could say that these Lego Bionicles are violent by design, but I still enjoy the creativity that is being expressed by posing them and taking the pictures.

I don't know how he's going to get out of that one!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

That is awesome. Proof that boys are just violent by nature :)