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Monday, June 23, 2014

Cousins Visit!

A couple of weeks ago we had Mike's sister and her two kids visiting.  It was awesome to have them here!

In fact, Kira will still occasionally break down crying for Annika!  It was as close to having a big sister as she's had in recent memory and she LIKED it!  :)  Annika is a super sweet girl and Kira misses having her around.

The boys had some good video game time with Quinter, but it wasn't very cute, so I don't have any pictures of that.  :)  We also played a couple of board games with Quinter and Sara.  Also not as cute.  :)

Our big outing for the week was taking all of the kids (my big boys didn't go...  they had band camps, diving practice, and well... Zach is 17) to the local children's museum.  This included Kira, Annika and Quinter, and John and Kristin's four kids.  We had three mom's and seven kids.  It was an adventure in herding most of the day!  :)  Here are some cute pictures:

Everyone together before we went officially inside the museum.

Sweet Cousin time.

Cool bird flight simulator.

Cute girl enjoying the outside play area.

Isaac having WAY TOO MUCH fun running through the water!!!  :)

He got soaked.  So Kristen had to put him in this dress.  It didn't go over well with him, so I gave him the extra clothes I brought for Kira.  They were thankfully fairly gender neutral shirt and shorts.

The next day we all just spent the day together at the house.  I know we were all tired.  Sara got packed up for her Northern journey home, Jacob and I got packed up for his Southern Regional Dive meet, John and Kristen and their kids got packed up for Libby's Eastern birthday campout, and Mike, Kira, Zach and Cole also packed up for Libby's Eastern birthday campout.  So by Friday morning, we were spread out and gone.  It was an awesome family week!